Are you surprised the last set of tribunal statistics shows that the number of lodged claims has increased by 78% no, neither was I. Fee abolition has made it much easier for an employee to take a punt and lodge a claim. ACAS preclaim conciliation can help but if the employee refuses to engage in sensible discussions re a settlement ACAS will issue a certificate and the next thing you know is an ET1 is on your desk. As the number of claims has increased but the number of judges hasn’t the delays in the system means that claims can take over a year to resolve which can only add to the stress on employers and their staff
Tribunals are expensive
Losing a tribunal can be a costly exercise. For example, the Employment Tribunal Statistics for 2016/2017 (latest available) cite the median awards for successful claims ranging between £6500 and £15000 depending on the claim category
You can then spend between £8,000 and £30,000 on legal fees, depending on the complexity of the case and the cost of the solicitor, plus use of barrister
There is also management time to consider; for a manager on £40,000 per annum, the cost to the business of them spending two weeks on preparation ahead of a tribunal hearing could be around £2,000, plus their distraction from the work they should be doing and the impact of the stress on them. Normally there are at least 2 managerial witnesses at a hearing. But there are also other costs to consider, such as reputational damage to the company, which could cause clients/customers to leave you (if they don’t think you’re acting with integrity and honour towards your staff) as well as employees, both current and prospective. Don’t forget all tribunal proceedings are on line and visible to your employees and competitors. Employee morale can also take a massive hit, and the most senior people in the company can be heavily distracted by a tribunal, meaning they’ve taken their eye off the ball and therefore the bottom line.
So what can you do to minimise your risk
Make sure all policies and procedures are up to date emphasise the importance of following the correct procedures simple mistakes can often lead to an unfair dismissal finding
Train your directors owners, managers and supervisors in how to conduct disciplinaries and how to treat grievances repeat the training regularly
Take steps to make sure your actions reflect your corporate values laid out in your handbook
Treat people like adults and listen to employees but if people don’t want to behave or work properly don’t hesitate to discipline them
Remember in a tribunal the only people who win are the lawyers or HR consultants don’t insist on having your day in court if a modest settlement will remove the problem and allow the organisation to go forward
For more help and advice in this area and also for some useful tips on strategy and tactics if despite everything you are landed with a tribunal please contact me…