Be Aware
If you have been reading my emails or even listening to the news you will be aware the Labour government will be introducing a new Employment Rights Bill towards the end of October. This bill is forecast to introduce several fundamental changes to employment laws.

Parliamentary acts normally go through 3 readings and are also debated in the Lords and then are supplemented by codes of practice a process which lays out how the laws will operate- this procedure takes time meaning some of the proposals will take months before they come into effect. Others which are amending existing law can be altered using a statutory Instrument procedure which can be initiated by a simple majority in the House of Commons without the need for the process set out above.

One of the most likely areas to be affected is the abolition of the 2 year rule for an employee to bring an unfair dismissal claim. If you are planning to dismiss an employee with less than 2 years service (including their notice period) do it now or face an unfair dismissal claim.

In addition the law on sexual harassment is changing. By 26 October 2024 all employers will need to take positive steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. The new law is the Worker Protection Amendment of Equality Act 2010. If you haven’t taken steps to comply with this latest piece of legislation by issuing a policy and training staff in this area do it now. Ignorance of the law is no defence at the tribunal.